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Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Strategy Posters

In Room 7 we have been learning addition and subtraction strategies. Miss Clarke has taught us 2 addition strategies and 3 subtraction strategies. Some students are using number in the tens, some are using numbers in the hundreds and some students are even using decimals.
We made posters to show that we know how to use all the strategies. We then discussed what strategy was the most efficient to solve the problem. We know that it is important to be able to use more than one strategy so that we can check that our answer is correct. We are also learning to use the strategies mentally so that we don't need a pen or any paper.

Here are two of our posters


  1. That looks like so much fun. Lauren

  2. Fantastic posters for your maths strategies. These will be a really useful learning tool. Great work Jani/Sheredon

  3. They were so much fun challenging but fun, they were colourful and for the people who did not finish. they still did there best which is good as long as they had the strategy down. Meggan

  4. Thank you for having us in your class today. We liked seeing your e-learning.

  5. Great work Room 7, you know how I love maths and I was delighted to see these posters on your blogs. Fantastic learning! Miss Harland
