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Tuesday 21 February 2012

Homewor Can Do's

Year 4 Homework ‘Can Do- Activities
When you finish you Homework for the week, you can choose to pick one of the things from this list to do! When you have done that activity, put a tick in the box next to it.

  • Plan a family fun day around Wattle Downs
  • Invent a new car travel game
  • Create a picture book for 5 year old
  • Choose 5 items for a ‘Time Capsule’, pop in a plastic container and bury somewhere!
  • Design a menu for a Saturday morning breakfast
  • Find a ‘novelty container’ such as on old boot or broken pot and pop a plant or some seeds in it
  • Interview a grandparent - maybe about the similarities and differences between their school days and yours
  • Pick up rubbish around your street to show you care about your local environment
  • Write Letter or email to family member you have not been in contact with for a while
  • Invent a new maths game
  • Create a picture using objects from the natural environment
  • Create dance moves for a top 40 hit
  • Rewrite the lyrics from a nursery rhyme  maybe with a challenge theme? 
  • Design your ideal bedroom
  • Find out how to greet someone in ten different languages and practise them on your family
  • Make a list of at least 2 qualities you value about each family member and share them with them
  • Make a vegetable animal or person
  • Make a drum kit out of boxes and pots (ask parents first!)
  • Practice cartwheels/forward rolls on the lawn
  • Visit the Push Play website and choose a family activity to do
  • TV free night - plan some family activities like board games or charades
  • Make a diary of all the food you eat during the week. What is healthy and what is not?
Year 5 Homework ‘Can Do- Activities
When you finish you Homework for the week, you can choose to pick one of the things from this list to do! 

  • Re – read a favourite story/book, create a mind-map showing characters, setting, beginning, middle and end.
  • Increase your personal fitness – create your own fitness relay and challenge yourself to improve your time.
  • Make a crossword with your spelling words.
  • Plan a meal for your family.  Think about all of the ingredients you will need.  Design a menu for each member of your family.  
  • If you have a younger brother or sister, listen to them read, or read a story to them.
  • Current events – find an interesting current event from either the television news or the newspaper.  How would you summarise the information for your class?
  • Do you have a pet?  Create a special brochure explaining the special care needed for your pet.  Think about food, shelter, cleaning and care.
  • Create a new maths game for your class. 

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