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Wednesday 7 March 2012

Gala activities

On Thursday Week 6 Room 7 students completed craft activities for the gala. The Yr 4's made miniature gardens and the Yr 5's made flax mats. The mats were a lot more challenging than students anticipated however most people persevered and were resilient.

The criteria
Yr 4's

Success Criteria
- Biodegradable (i.e Shoe box, beer boxes - painted)
- resembles a garden 
- creative design
- looks like the plats
- interesting to look at 

Yr 5's

- Weaving technique mastered
- no gaps (woven tightly)
- durable
- appealing to look at 
- natural materials use

Here are some photos of the students creating their miniature gardens and their finished mats 


  1. I think that the gala activities look wonderful. The students worked really hard and tried their best. Miss Clarke

  2. The weaving was really fun and a quite challenging but I got the hang of it eventually! I hope we get to do it again!

    Holly :)

  3. It was hard but fun and they look good after their done. Lauren

  4. Your gala activities were fantastic Room 7. I was so impressed with your flax weaving. It looked really effective and very tricky. Miss Harland

  5. I really enjoyed the gala activies it was fun because we had a fun time .Sarah

  6. That was fun but also hard at the same time. DANIEL

  7. It was fun even though I had to do it at home they look great and well done to the people who won. Meggan

  8. The gardens were so fun because you got to show teem at the gale.Also it is about having fun and trying your best.Daneka

  9. Wow I think that the flax was fun.The hard thing was carrying it.

  10. Room 7 they worked so hard on there gala mats.they try there
    best to make them. they worked as a team.
    they look very pretty.
    from Mazhar.

  11. The weveing was hard but fun.I liked it . it was fun .

  12. the gardens look nice.

  13. Making minature gardens was tricky.They all looked very cool.I wish the year 5's could join.... It was really fun!!
    Joshua Knight

  14. Well done Holly. Your mat looks beutiful.I wish mine was good like yours.From Sam
